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Our Team

Every single person out there who has supported us by word, action or activity is a member of our extended family and we here would like to thank you for all your hard work in the past, present and that which is yet to come insha Allah. Everyone here at THE MKICA CIO from those who clean the Masjid to everyone on our board of trustees is a volunteer. Our management team have to balance the day to day running of this growing organisation alongside the rigorous demands of their professional and private lives.


Sheikh Abdihakim

Management Committee:

Mohamed A. Wadad, Idris M. Abdinasir, Ibrahim Abdiqadir, Farhan Awais, Ahmed Sheikh.

We are currently in the process of setting up a sisters steering committee and a youth leadership team, if you would like to be involved in either of these teams please fill out the volunteer registration form and email us at: gro.acikmnull@sreetnulov


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