Assalamu Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatahu and welcome to our revamped and revitalised website! May Allah subhanuhu wa ta’ala reward all those who gave their time, effort and energy into helping us craft this new look website insha Allah. Over time it is our sincerest hope that
May 21
We Have Moved
Now that we have fully transitioned into our new premises, all the madrassa’s and adult circles have restarted or are just about to re-open. For more information please see the new activities timetable. The Masjid is open seven days a week and the doors open an hour before fajr salah every day and close
May 20
Volunteers Needed
It is that time of the year again so we are recruiting volunteer fundraisers. Not only is this a great opportunity for all of those people who want to contribute towards the Masjid it is also the perfect opportunity to get to know new people who want to contribute towards the Masjid it is also the